How do they do it? How is it, that every time they post people will agree with them no matter what they say? Sometimes their post will be quoted for the rest of the topic, and then replied to with much praise. When these people speak, others listen. An interesting fact, and you can't help but wonder why.
What are Forum Celebrities?
Forum Celebrities are people who have made such a strong reputation for themselves, that when they have something to say, other members quiet down and listen up, and only the other Forum Celebs can possibly withstand their "by all and end all" voice. The little guys have nothing on them. Taking one down in debate is nearly impossible, even if they're wrong, and if you are able to somehow take one down, your name will forever be etched in other members' minds.

How did they become such celebrities?
Most of the time, Forum Celebrities are the ones who have been on the forum for pretty much as long as it has existed. They will normally have thousands more posts than anyone else, and will have join dates far older than the rest. Forum Celebrities can also come about, by simply being known for making highly intelligent and usually long posts. Celebs can also become popular by being the absolute opposite, a playful, harmless troll. Someone who's posts are never long, but generally a smart-alec, quick-witted response to someone else, that can make readers belly laugh for several minutes, and sometimes the rest of the night (definitely speaking from experience here). Whatever they may have done, Forum Celebrities are those people who have simply made a name for themselves, by standing out from the others.
The good, and the bad.
Which do you want to start with, good or bad? Oh right, this is my article. We'll go with the bad first.
The biggest problem with Forum Celebrities, is also the most obvious. If they have so much influence over the other members, then they are bound to win or come out on top of whatever discussion they may be in, even if what they are saying is false. This can be very frustrating to the members who are going against them, and are actually making sense. Sometimes if a member goes against a Celeb, other members will not support the one, even if they know they are right. They simply will not post at all. They would rather not take sides, considering the one side is wrong, but would also make them look bad in the eyes of the Celeb, because,everyone wants to be the Celeb's friend. This can cause much frustration for certain members, and because the Celeb has such a strong presence there, it can leave a bad taste in the mouth of the annoyed member(s) for the entire forum.
Thankfully, the pros generally outweigh the cons, or at least equal them. While Forum Celebrities can make things irritating for certain members, if what they are saying is generally correct, or goes along with the popular opinion, Forum Celebrities can be the main draw of the forum. Their continuous activity and posting will bring back members every day to see what their latest response was to a major debate they are in. It can also absolutely make the day of a newbie, when a Celeb quotes them, and agrees with them. This can pump up the self-esteem and confidence of the newbie so much, that their desire to be on the forum will increase ten fold. Forum Celebrities can be an annoyance to some, but they can also be a key structural pillar.
If your forum is popular, you are bound to have a few of these Forum Celebrities. Appreciate them, at least for the fact that they have stuck around. Just make sure that you don't favor them, as this would quickly lead to a bad situation, and probably a disgruntled member somewhere. Oh and, definitely don't make a Paparazzi group. That would be overkill.